Vintage Tech Rescue

-Rescuing Old Tech From Landfills-

What do we do?

Far too often today, many people find themselves throwing away old software or electronics that are becoming more and more difficult to find. If something doesn't sell at a garage sale, people looking to downsize might just choose to avoid the hassle of selling online, paying fees, and shipping items. Instead, some choose to take it to the landfill.

The goal of Vintage Tech Rescue is to keep old software, manuals, and electronics out of the landfill and find a loving home for it.

Know someone with very old computers they don't want anymore? Help them get in touch.

We can't always offer money for gear, but when possible, we can come pick it up or get you in touch with someone who can pay.


Does your old computer have a floppy drive?

The bigger the floppy drive the better. We'll take your old tech even if it doesn't work anymore or seems to old to even test out. Someone out there is looking to play their favorite childhood computer game and might be looking for your stuff.


Think those old floppy disks are garbage? Think again!

Remember those old Gateway 2000 floppy disks? If you have a set, it probably still works and someone is looking for it. The vintage tech community works very hard to preserve even the most mundane looking software to safeguard it from permanent loss.


What to do with all the old paperwork...

Yes, even manuals and receipts can have some value to collectors or archivists. Documentation for electronics provides a history for electronics that can't be easily or accurately reproduced. Even today, we know some manuals and documentation are gone forever.


Find an old broken joystick in the attic you somehow managed to keep for 30 years?

As accessories for old computers become more difficult to find, so do spare parts. Even a broken part worth a couple bucks online might be the missing key for someone to get their old gear up and running again!

Even if it's broken, we'll try to find a good home for it.

We can archive your old disks before its too late!

Donations are coming soon!

Q:Will I get money for my stuff?
A:Sometimes, yes. If there is still a lot of value, we will make an honest offer or recommend alternative ways to sell. We realize nostalgia doesn't always make much money in online auctions and not everyone has the time to babysit an auction. The goal is to connect with someone that appreciates what you have no matter how long it takes.
Q:I don't want the hassle of paying fees, relisting unsold items, or even shipping items. What now?
A:Whenever possible, we'll try to make arrangements to pick items up in person. Vintage Tech Rescue will handle the rest.
Q:Aren't you just going to sell my stuff and make a bunch of money?
A:Our primary objective is to keep vintage gear out of landfills. We only take things if they are going to get thrown out. If you can make money selling your old gear and you have the time, maybe we can help.
Q:How old is "Vintage"?
A:As a general rule of thumb, if it has a floppy drive, we're probably interested. Typical age range is 15 years old or older.
Q:Why do you only want vintage and not something from 5 years ago?
A:There are many organizations today that specialize in refurbishing equipment for to the less fortunate. We don't want to take anything that could be used to do school work.
Q:Can you keep an eye out for things I'm looking for?
A:Sure can! Just click on the QR code or scan it in to your phone. We just need a description (make, model, etc.) of what you are looking for.
Q:What do you charge for old tech?
A:Usually the cost of shipping and a small "finders fee" to help pay for travel costs, restoration costs, etc.